It was a challenging and richly rewarding program that has truly changed how I “see” the world around me.

— Debbie Armstrong

What People Say

I’ve always admired people who have that “magical” ability to draw but I knew (and was told) I didn’t have the talentI don’t even know how I became introduced to Dr. Edwards teaching but somehow it happened and after spending a year with the book and workbook, I managed to find your class- JOY! It was a thrilling, and challenging week that changed my life, changed how I “see” life. You were both so encouraging with all of us! I found your studio to be intimate, not intimidating, and gracious. Your communication skills are remarkable - you managed to coax us into the task at hand with amazing results! I wish I could bring everyone I love to your studio for this empowering experience. It was a memorable week for me as a birthday gift from my husband, a birthday gift that opened a world of possibilities! My heartfelt thanks!

— Debbie Armstrong

My favourite takeaway from the class is that, now, every single thing in the world looks more interesting.

“I am sad to no longer have drawing with Tricia and Nicola every week – in those few hours, I consistently got into a flowing, creative state. It feels so good to focus and make small steps for a lengthy period of time, and I think it has improved my abilities to avoid distraction and get through tough problems. My favourite takeaway from the class is that, now, every single thing in the world looks more interesting. I’m constantly amused by how my brain is deceived by distances and lights, how everyday objects are actually so strange-looking and intriguing. It’s rare for me to be bored when there is so much to look at. Finally, with my new-found confidence in making lines, one-at-a-time, I now carry around a sketch book to make quick drawings. I find that it helps me get refocused in a stressful moment. Thank you Drawing Right!”

— Angela Ognev

And, most valuable of all, have “me” insights to myself that I never had; and as a personal mastery trainer for over a decade, that says a lot.”

I first came across the seminal DRSB program almost a decade back when a friend passed me a copy of the book because I always lamented that I could craft but never draw. I finally joined Drawing Right’s workshop and I wish I had done so earlier! The workshop was clear, effective and efficient and while I still have some way to becoming the next Michelangelo, I am leaps and bounds more adept at drawing after the class. More than techniques, the class enabled me to broaden my artistic sight and discover new perspectives to the world around me that I have found applicable to my home, parenting and business. And, most valuable of all, have “me” insights to myself that I never had; and as a personal mastery trainer for over a decade, that says a lot.

— Cherie Lim-Tseng


If I were to summarise this course in one word, it would be “miracle”!

Although it was only a short 5 days, I felt that I’ve learnt so much. Every session was a journey of self discovery! We learnt to see things differently and once we are able to see, we are able to draw with greater accuracy, regardless of our skill level. I am really thankful for having the opportunity to attend this course and learn more about myself as well as to make friends.

— Nicole Leong

“You both are wonderful teachers who have inspired me & got me excited in drawing.”

— Charmaine Neo

Dear Nic & Trish,

This email is prompted by my recent experience at Drawing Right whereby I was significantly impressed by not just the management of all proceedings but also the transformation that took place in the participants in just 5 short days. Pretty Terrific!

I grew up with the thought planted in my head that I could not draw even to save my life. My dad once told me that I can’t even draw an apple! As time went on, I only got worse. So bad that when I was 15 year old, I didn’t even show up for my Art Exam (those days, Art was a compulsory subject). I figured that getting an ‘Absent’ would be immensely better than getting a ‘Failed’. Hence, showing up at your studio on Day 1 was already a breakthrough for me.

During these past 5-days, I had to constantly battle with and work relentlessly to outlet my rational irrational, logical left brain. To my eventual surprise, I finally managed to WIN the wrestling match with my left brain and earn my hard-earned lessons successfully with you art maestros. Most importantly, I realised that the practice of drawing what I see in the environment actually heightens my own power of observation of the world at large. WOW! You both are great souls dedicated to living free, fuelled and inspired to bring the best of yourself to work every day in order to help others enjoy transformational epiphanies. I thank you both for presenting me with a ‘new set of eyes’! Through all the unlearning and paradigm shattering, I now see so much more!

A million “thank you would not suffice, but THANK YOU anyway. I look forward to hearing more about your march towards self-actualisation for I know you would emerge with distinction in any endeavour that calls upon your panoramic range of expertise. Godspeed! — Joshua Voon

I failed or barely passed all my art lessons when young. My dad used to help me with most of my art homework. My husband, an art elective student, brought me to many art museums when we were staying in Paris. He thought me how to better appreciate the art pieces but did not try to teach me to draw. Even my kids know I cannot draw well. In short, my drawing sucks, maybe i should say used to. About ten years ago, I read that Richard Feynman learnt drawing only in adulthood and it was possible. It gave me some hope but i still wondered whether it was just Feynman. Then, i read Daniel Pink’s book recently. One could only imagine my excitement when my google search showed that the course he attended is also available in Singapore. I am glad that I followed my instincts, ‘abandoned’ my young kids on Saturday mornings and signed up for the course.

For now, I think my left and right brain are more connected. My seeing is richer and what I draw actually resembles, at least somewhat, what I see. I found joy in seeing and drawing. What is probably more important is that I learnt to accept failure as discoveries. I reflected on my own experience as a child learning art and that was really an example of judging too early. The course is so rich and this is just one of the many reflections I have had the past five weeks. ‘Withhold judgement and you will make many more discoveries’. This course has made my life as an individual, a parent and a colleague more enriching; the impact is big and lasting.

— Woo Chang Hong


Withhold judgement and you will make many more discoveries. This course has made my life as an individual, a parent and a colleague more enriching; the impact is big and lasting.


It’s life-changing!

Nicola & Tricia are the art teachers I wished I had back in secondary school! I wished I met them earlier. I’ve always wanted to draw since young but my style was very manga-like. I gave up on drawing in my late teens. Attending this class inspired me all over again. Nicola & Tricia were patient and guiding! The class was informative yet very hands-on. Being able to draw is the best thing ever! It made my everyday life and travel trips a lot more interesting. Most importantly, it makes me slow down, and really observe and look at something. It’s almost like a wonderful meditative experience. I’ve borrowed the book from the library previously, but reading is different from doing. I’m very happy to have attended this workshop. It’s life-changing! The instructors made all the difference too. All the best to these great ladies who gift us with the gift of seeing!

— Yix Quek

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